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Check out our latest Lookbook: "Paint The Town Red"
Here's our new lookbook shot by the amazing Joshua Spencer, with makeup and hair by the always fabulous Karina Moore, and styled by our own Alicya Blake. This lookbook features our favorite Honeybee, Brook Power, "paintin' the town red", you know, hoppin' a few fences, stomping around in her RAD Y.R.U boots and flatform high tops. She pairs her tough kicks with pretty dresses, floral bodysuits, crop tops lightning bolt leggings, and AMAZING denim. She's decked out with gorgeous crystal jewels, and well-prepared for the harsh sun of this post-apocalyptic-vibin' town with AMAZING Quay eyeware styles that we are all LOVING here at the BeHoneyBee headquarters.
Then, when she's done terrorizing this town with her awesomeness, we see Brook throw on a breezy blue dress and vintage hat, pack up her things in a pair of rad vintage bags, and skip town, all the while with her two blue dogs Cheeseburger and Holy Smokes in tow. SO. FUC*ING. FAB.